Dashboard is a term now being used generally to refer to a web-based technology page on which real time information is collated from various sources in the business. The metaphor of dashboard is adopted here to emphasize the nature of the data being displayed on the page, it is a real-time analysis as to how a business is operating, just like on an automobile dashboard real time information is displayed about the performance of that vehicle.
Rapidly rising in popularity as the new "face" of business intelligence is the enterprise dashboard due to the user-centric nature of its visually-based approach.
In many of the earlier "dashboard" applications the emphasis of creating a dashboard was the integration of information as in this Microsoft white paper.
A digital dashboard is a customized solution for knowledge workers that consolidates personal, team, corporate, and external information and provides single-click access to analytical and collaborative tools. It brings an integrated view of a company's knowledge sources to an individual's desktop, enabling better decision making by providing immediate access to key business information.
Business Dashboard Excel sheets can be downloaded from