Saturday, May 29, 2010

Timesheet Templates for Excel

A time sheet is a method for recording the amount of a worker's time spent on each job

Originally developed for an employer to determine payroll, timesheets are not just for payroll any more. Timesheets may record the start and end time of tasks, or just the duration. It may contain a detailed breakdown of tasks accomplished throughout the project or program. This information may be used for payroll, client billing, and increasingly for project costing, estimation, tracking and management.

XLS's on Timesheet Templates can be downloaded from


Universities in World Ranking XLS

A university is an institution of higher education and research, which grants academic degrees in a variety of subjects. A university is a corporation that provides both undergraduate education and postgraduate education. The word university is derived from the Latin universitas magistrorum et scholarium, roughly meaning "community of teachers and scholars."

XLS's on Universities in World Ranking can be downloaded from


Weekly Payroll Sheet XLS

In a company, payroll is the sum of all financial records of salaries, wages, bonuses and deductions. In accounting, payroll refers to the amount paid employees for services they provided during a certain period of time. Payroll plays a major role in a company for several reasons. From an accounting point of view, payroll is crucial because payroll and payroll taxes considerably affect the net income of most companies and they are subject to laws and regulations (e.g. in the U.S. payroll is subject to federal and state regulations).

XLS's on Weekly Payroll Sheet can be downloaded from:


Weekly Timesheet Template Excel

A time sheet is a method for recording the amount of a worker's time spent on each job.

Originally developed for an employer to determine payroll, timesheets are not just for payroll any more. Timesheets may record the start and end time of tasks, or just the duration. It may contain a detailed breakdown of tasks accomplished throughout the project or program. This information may be used for payroll, client billing, and increasingly for project costing, estimation, tracking and management.

Some companies provide web-based timesheet software or services that provide a means to track time for payroll, billing and project management. One of the major uses of timesheets in a project management environment is comparing planned costs versus actual costs,as well as measuring employee performance, and identifying problematic tasks. This knowledge can drive corporate strategy as users stop performing or reassign unprofitable work.

XLS's on Weekly Timesheet Template can be downloaded from


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Chennai Hospital Phone Numbers XLS

A hospital is an institution for health care providing patient treatment by specialized staff and equipment, and often, but not always providing for longer-term patient stays.

XLS's on Chennai Hospital Phone Numbers can be downloaded from


Checkbook Register Spreadsheet

A checkbook generally consists of a supply of preprinted banking checks, a registry for recording payments and deposits, several deposit slips for incoming checks and currency, and a protective sleeve with a pocket for receipts. Many people carry a checkbook inside a purse or in addition to a wallet in their pockets. Because a checkbook often contains sensitive banking information, most people keep a very close eye on it while in public. The loss of blank checks can be a very costly mistake unless reported to the bank immediately.

XLS's on Checkbook Register can be downloaded from



Catheter Training XLS

In medicine, a catheter is a tube that can be inserted into a body cavity, duct, or vessel. Catheters thereby allow drainage, injection of fluids, or access by surgical instruments. The process of inserting a catheter is catheterization. In most uses, a catheter is a thin, flexible tube ("soft" catheter), though in some uses, it is a larger, solid ("hard") catheter. A catheter left inside the body, either temporarily or permanently, may be referred to as an indwelling catheter. A permanently inserted catheter may be referred to as a permcath.

XLS's on Catheter Training can be downloaded from
